Monday, August 9, 2010

Bucket List: Update

Still working on my 30 Things to do before 30 list. I'm half way and only four months left. Hope I can make it!

  1. Renew my drivers license
  2. Make arts and crafts products for my store
  3. Make and run an etsy account
  4. Make some artwork for the coffee shop
  5. Establish painting hours
  6. Organized all paperwork and tax stuff before February (DONE)
  7. Redesign the cafe ole (coffee shop)
  8. Make an efficient kitchen (DONE)
  9. Reorganized my painting studio (DONE)
  10. Redecorated the house on a budget: weekend warrior (WORKING/DONE)
  11. Have a date night with Yan once a week (DONE)
  12. Take the doggies to the park once a week (DONE)
  13. Learn to sew
  14. Take ballroom dancing classes
  15. Go to a spa
  16. Read one book a month (WORKING/DONE)
  17. Plant an edible garden at home and work
  18. Get a bike
  19. Take some yoga or pilates classes
  20. Take some pastry classes
  21. Go camping
  22. Go on a weekend getaway (WORKING/DONE)
  23. Make photo albums (WORKING/DONE)
  24. Reconnect with friends (WORKING/DONE)
  25. Work on a vintage wardrobe (WORKING/DONE)
  26. Establish a newsletter and subscription for the blog
  27. Go to concerts more often (WORKING/DONE)
  28. Take swimming lessons (WORKING/DONE)
  29. Go dancing (WORKING/DONE)
  30. Save more! (WORKING/DONE)

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