Monday, April 30, 2012

Mexican Mocha

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a delicious cup of joe with Mexican Xoco! Ibarra is my number one choice for mexican chocolate cause of their flavor and richness. Here is a simple recipe that you can make at home.

Mexican Mocha (for one)

1 cup milk
1 shot of espresso
4 blocks (or triangles) cut off one Ibarra tablet
Big pinch (about 1/8 tsp.) ground chile (not chile powder–it often has other spices added to it)
Dash salt
Whipped cream and cinnamon, to top

Chop tablet of Ibarra into blocks for easier melting. Then warm the chocolate, chile, milk, and dash of salt in a small saucepan. Heat until the chocolate is melted–should be quite hot (although not boiling).
Froth with a hand-blender (or blend in a blender) until the bits of chocolate are completely dissolved and the top becomes foamy. Top with whipped cream and cinnamon and drink immediately.

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