Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fair Trade Month

October is Fair Trade Month! Fair Trade began modestly in the 1940s when a few small North American and European organizations reached out to poverty stricken communities to help them sell their handicrafts to well-off markets. Later, a fictional Dutch character, Max Havelaar, was developed as an advocate for exploited coffee pickers. Today, Fair Trade is a global effort. Fair Trade USA and the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) have extended their reach beyond crafts and coffee. Consumers can enliven developing countries, relieve exploitation and promote environmental sustainability by purchasing Fair Trade-labeled tea, cocoa, fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, sugar, honey, wine, flowers, grains and rubber products.

Café Olé is proud to served Fair Trade coffee from our friends at Cafe Moto. Here is an excellent link to understand the different Fair Trade labels. Get informed! Be Fair!

image via: fair trade usa

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