Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Old Hollywood Coffee

 Jean Harlow & Cary Grant

 Clara Bow

 Joan Crawford & Dorothy Arzner

 Marlene Dietrich & Director Joseph Von Sternberg

 Lauren Bacall

Marlene Dietrich & Rita Hayworth

 Orson Welles & Dolores del Rio

Bette Davis with the Troops

Carmen Miranda

A continuation of my series of cooking cuties. Before I did a mix of domestic images by Hollywood starlets but this one is all dedicated to coffee. My favorite definitive is Carmen Miranda or any image from the Hollywood Canteen.

images via: google search & flickr


  1. Thank you for your lovely blog
    Just to help you in setting the record straight, please note the man sitting with Marlene Dietrich is the Director Joseph Von Sternberg, and NOT Rudolph Sieber (aka Dietrich's husband)

    1. Thanks for the input! Hope you keep reading :)
