Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cheese & Pimiento

This recipe of Cheese and Pimiento sandwiches looks so delicious!! As a crostinni or even wth eggs can work. Here is the complete recipe from Design Sponge:

Aunt Sissy Si’s Pimento Cheese Sandwich

  • 4 oz jar diced pimentos
  • 8 oz brick of medium cheddar
  • equal parts mayo and salad dressing (to taste and for good consistency)
  • dash of salt
  • secret ingredient . . . about 1/4 teaspoon of horseradish, more or less, to taste
  • fluffy white bread

Mix everything together. It is better the next day and will keep for several days in the fridge.

*Note to non-Southerners/Americans: Salad dressing is similar to mayonnaise, but more economical. If you can’t find anything in your supermarket labeled “salad dressing” (not something you put on salads), you should probably just use all mayonnaise.

images via: design sponge

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