Monday, March 21, 2011

Rumberas Films

Tania...Savage Beauty, 1947

A Star without light, 1953

The Second Woman, 1953

Traveler, 1952

In Live Flesh, 1953

Tragic Cabaret, 1958

The Kingdom of Gangsters, 1947

Love all the tittles from the Rumberas films so dramatic and over the top. The Rumberas Films (also known as "Faubourg Film") was a sub-genre film of the Golden Age of Mexican Cinema (with some movies made also in Cuba and Spain), whose plots were set primarily in cabarets. His principal stars were the actresses and dancers known as "Rumberas". Of all the great dancers who caused a sensation in Mexican Cinema, only five of them have been going down in history as the greatest exponents of Rumberas Film: (baptized as the Queens of the Tropic by the journalist Fernando Muñoz Castillo), and they were: María Antonieta Pons, Meche Barba, Amalia Aguilar, Ninón Sevilla and Rosa Carmina. Can't wait for the bio-pic of Juan Orol, the King of Rumberas films out this year!

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1 comment:

  1. Faltan unas buenísimas: Aventurera, Sensualidad y Víctimas del pecado
