Thursday, April 30, 2009

Saint Drogo

Drogo was born in Flanders in the twelfth century. He was orphaned at birth, his father having died before he was born and his mother died in childbirth. Feeling responsible for his mother’s death he became a self-loathing loner. Although born wealthy he gave away his riches and worked as a shephard. He became a holy man and embarked on a series of repentent pilgrimmages. On one of his journeys he developed a festering ulcer that gave him a repulsive odor which deepened his isolation. He built a hut outside of his church and for forty years lived as a hermit subsisting only on barley, water and the Eucharist. He was known to have the ability to be in two places at one time, witnessing mass while tending his flock, which lead to the Flemish saying, “Not being St. Drogo, I can’t be in two places at the same time.” Perhaps because of his ulcerous condition, St. Drogo has been adopted by coffeehouse owners in Flanders as their patron saint. Drogo is also the patron of shephards, sickness, orphans and unattractive people; His feast day is April 16.

St. Drogo
Patron St. of Coffee

image via: site of the saints

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